Hello. I'm Shiro, and I am obviously a moderator on FT-Rebirth. That title will likely change in the future, but as I am too lazy to edit that part of the post 2144213321234 times just visualize the position change in your mind.
In order to give me some drive to not fall asleep directly after returning from school and to flex my adequate skill at making graphics, I have decided to open up a graphics "shop," where you can "buy" graphics from me.
You may be wondering, "What's with all these funky quotations?" Well, they exist because I am not really "selling" graphics. You can't sell something free, can you?
Yeah, you read that right. Free. Absolutely free.
So if you don't have enough cash for Latin's high end stuff, you can get a slightly lower-quality avatar or signature for free from me. (I make my own avatars and signatures, so judge my skill off of those.)
Here is my "Sale" template. All the information you will need is in it.
- Code:
[b]Item:[/b] Avatar or Signature.
[b]Faceclaim:[/b] Which character do you use to portray yours IC?
[b]Text:[/b] Do you want writing on your graphic item? If so, what?
[b]Color Scheme:[/b] What color scheme do you want your graphic? I may not be able to do some, so this option might not apply.
Happy trails!
"Purchased" items are usually made within a day. If I'm in a good mood or bored they are made within the hour.
Also, when you go to change avatars, use "Link to an Off-Site Avatar" rather than "Link to URL". You'll see the difference, it's quite tremendous.